我哋完全唔理解相關支援嘅TG Channel點解要收集庇護註冊卡(ARC)呢一類咁重要嘅個人資料。希望大家有需要幫嘅時候都要時刻警醒保護自己,生活有困難嘅時候可以先聯絡同政府合作或者註冊咗嘅慈善機構。以下嘅機構都會提供生活支援發放/法律服務/住宿:
Salvation Army
Phone: 0300 303 8151
Website: www.salvationarmy.org.uk
British Red Cross
For more information and to find your local refugee service, visit www.redcross.org.uk/get-help/get-help-as-a-refugee/translated-pages
Duncan Lewis has the largest legal aid immigration practice in the UK. With over 190 specialist Immigration solicitors and Immigration lawyers, they can bring the highest level of expertise to your Immigration matter.
Phone: 0333 772 0409
Website: www.duncanlewis.co.uk
Scottish Refugee Council (Scotland Only)
For more information, visit www.scottishrefugeecouncil.org.uk or contact their telephone advice service on 0141 223 7979, available weekdays from 10:00 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 16:00 apart from Wednesday when it is only available 14:00 to 16:00 (closed morning).
Welsh Refugee Council (Wales Only)
For more information, visit www.welshrefugeecouncil.org.uk/what-help-do-you-need/i-am-seeking-asylum
Migrant Help
Asylum Helpline: 0808 801 0503
Website/Webchat: www.migranthelpuk.org
英倫好鄰舍教會 Good Neighbour Church England
港援 Hong Kong Aid
港援時刻檢討內部資料安全指引,任何服務使用者係使用服務/接受資助嘅時候都唔需要提供任何身份證明文件同埋真確全名。個案記錄會以匿名方式輸入,有關記錄亦都會嚴格遵照英國數據保護法案(UK GDPR)妥善儲存。有關我哋嘅資料保護聲明請瀏覽:https://www.hkaid.org.uk/_files/ugd/c0ee11_34883e4d688b46a6b563034d24790a71.pdf
Information Commissioner's Office Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Email: enquiries@ico.gsi.gov.uk
You can also call their helpline (Monday-Friday 09:00-17:00): 01625 545 745