港援Hong Kong Aid 為英國註冊非營利機構(CIC)。
Hong Kong Aid is a registered CIC in the UK.
We are Hong Kong Aid, a non-profit organisation that offers assistance to asylum-seeking Hongkongers. Our members mainly consist of Hongkongers seeking and granted asylum in the UK. Hongkongers’ identification is the shared core value of the organisation. We are Hongkongers at all times. We aim to foster the connection between Hongkongers despite boundaries. We are developing overseas power for supporting the local Hongkongers in the city.
Late Night Helpline Support
等我哋陪你傾下講下,Hong Kong Aid推出「夜貓加油站」,為大家打打氣!
Can't sleep at night and want to talk with someone?
Feeling lost and upset and want to air your grievance?
Feeling stressed and want to discuss with the others?
Got difficulties but do not know where to reach out?
Let’s share your ups and downs with us. Late Night Helpline operated by HKAid would like to cheer you night owls up late at night!
It is never easy to adapt to a new environment in the UK. Restart your mindset, live a good life and fight for more in the future. We are here, and you are never alone. Let’s share your difficulties and worries with us. No worries, we are with you. We are supporting each other. Let’s look for hope together with perseverance.
Accreditation & Quality Assurance
Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner registration number
Demonstrating compliance with membership's criteria
Hong Kong Aid provides residential care accommodation and crisis intervention support for issues such as homelessness, immediate dangers, and emotional or family problems. We also extend our service to those unable to apply for NASS support due to their pending asylum applications, hence needing temporary accommodation.
The service runs 24/7. We respond within 6 hours and assist if there are urgent needs. We will only ask service users to provide necessary information according to the law. Only a hard copy of the accommodation information will be stored, and the relevant personal data will be completely destroyed when the user leaves the accommodation.
We make continuous case interventions for those who do not have a legal status yet or are not used to life in the UK. We provide support focusing on personal needs and assist cases needing to use NHS and other local services in the UK.
我哋嘅個案工作員均完成OISC Level 1或以上嘅入境顧問課程。我哋會向尋求庇護嘅個案提供協助,讓等候庇護人士認識同學習保障自己嘅權利。
All caseworkers have already completed OISC Level 1 or above immigration course. We assist those seeking asylum to empower themselves to learn and exercise their rights.
情緒疏導服務方面,我哋亦有同圍爐傾Hearth Talk合作,由英美註冊心理學家、心理諮詢師同治療師提供專業嘅情緒疏導服務,以補充NHS精神健康服務輪候期間嘅缺口,為有需要嘅香港人解決逼切嘅情緒需要。
In terms of emotional support, we are working with Hearth Talk, which consists of a group of US/UK-registered psychologists, psychiatrists and therapists, to provide professional emotional counselling services to the Hongkongers in need in order to fill the gaps of the NHS mental health services waiting time.
我哋十分榮幸喺Greater London Authority資助下成立Migrant Advice Centre。喺計劃下我哋會免費提供認可嘅移民、庇護同埋簽證諮詢服務。歡迎大家向隔離鄰舍推廣,除左香港尋求政治庇護人士、無證件或身份嘅人士、BNO公民及其家屬可以使用本中心嘅服務,我哋會致力提供適切協助!
有任何查詢可以直接致電 020 8432 3286 / 電郵至 admin@hkaid.org.uk 。本中心現時辦公時間為星期一至五上晝10點至下晝5點。
We are delighted to announce that the Migrant Advice Services has officially been established and launched its immigration advice services under the funding of the Greater London Authority. We welcome everyone to spread the word among your community. We offer our services to Hong Kong people seeking asylum, undocumented or stateless people, BN(O) citizens and their family members.
For any inquiries, please contact us directly at 020 8432 3286 or email us at admin@hkaid.org.uk. Our office hours are currently Monday to Friday, 10 AM to 5 PM.
*During the initial stage of our establishment, all case inquiries require an appointment. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
**In case of emergency, please try to inform our staff when making an appointment. Thank you for your cooperation.
We will offer non-cash support to the Hongkongers who cannot afford food expenses and winter clothing. Applicants do not have to show us their full names and identity documents throughout the entire process, from the application submission to the vetting and distribution. We will verify the authenticity of the application by data analysis.
Supporting Partners